Full Moon Ceremony

Next Event: 30th July 2023

Full Moon Ceremony JaveaIn circles and ceremony we heal. When we heal together we heal as a collective and the healing projects out into the universe.
One of the most powerful healing experiences I have encountered on my own healing journey has been in ceremony.

As I light the paolo santo, clearing the space, preparing for each ceremony I envisage what needs to be shared in this moment.
I personally work with the moon and her cycles. At each Full Moon we gather to honour and harness the gifts of the moon and to bring healing to all who attend.
There are many spoken and unspoken benefits of sitting in circle at the Full Moon. Some participants share their experience with the circle while others remain silent, bearing witness to the healing taking place.

The Moon is a feminine symbol and universally it represents the rhythm of time as it embodies our cycle. A reminder that we are part of nature itself. The moon energy is our inner self, our intuition, our wisdom. Our inner voice, inner emotions and guidance. When we work with her energy we can enhance this inner wisdom, the magic.

The circle represents life’s continuation – with no beginning and no end. I offer a combination of Kundalini yoga, meditation and gong in my ceremonies enabling you to feel more connected to your true essence and soul path.

I offer a light delicious Indian vegetarian/vegan meal at the end of each ceremony. This enables us to talk further and be part of community. Community is magic.

My next Full Moon Ceremony is on Sunday 30th July. The exchange is 33€. For more information or to book please message
+34 711 020 099 or click the link below.Β