“Give yourself permission to learn and grow.”

Kundalini Yoga Classes in Javea

What is Kundalini Yoga? And Who is it For?

Kundalini yoga is for everyone. Kundalini is a style of yoga, considered the “Mother” of all yoga. It is a technology, the science of it enables you to awaken your awareness and continue to grow into your authentic self. ‘Kundal’ means ‘curl’ or ‘coil’ and comes from the symbol of a sleeping serpent, coiled 3.5 times at the base of the spine. This symbol represents your spiritual storehouse. Once the energy awakens, it uncoils and ascends through the spinal column, or chakras to the crown chakra at the top of the head, triggering a spiritual state of awareness.

The practice focuses on three main activities:

  • Physical postures: The physical practice, or the kriya (movement) focuses on the core, spine and body’s meridians. We go through a variety of traditional poses and free movement to reconnect to our physical selves.

  • Breathwork: Pranayama, or breathwork, is a core piece of our practice, and is used to understand and control our breath and the emotions that stem from that energy. We will learn techniques to support relaxation, manage stress, and more!

  • Meditation: Finally we use meditations, specifically with the use of mantras or chants, to create an environment to tune out the world and tune into ourselves.


Kundalini works quickly to give you grace, balance, and most of all the ability to remain calm, centred, and clear through life’s challenges.

It benefits you by offering the intentional time and space to forget the external stressors of the world and focus inward on your spiritual awareness and consciousness.

I recommend Kundalini yoga to everyone from the expectant mother grappling with the fatigue and joy of her new journey, to the young man struggling with anxious thoughts and nervous energy, to the older woman trying to find peace in her life and losses. For the yoga skeptics and those looking for approachable ways to channel find their spiritual self.

My teaching style shows kindness, compassion and a lot of fun! I welcome all whether you have never practiced at all or if you have been practicing for years. Kundalini yoga is for everyone.

Email me for more information on upcoming classes and workshops. Come practice. Sat Nam.

Kundalini Classes

Class Timetable

I also offer 121 classes available either on zoom or in person here in the Marina Alta. The classes are bespoke to what you may need. Are you wishing to connect deeper to your intuiton? Are you needing support with balancing your nervous system? Do you need to find peace in your busy life? 


Aarushi Yoga - Awakening of the Sun

When I was born at sunrise my mum asked my Indian Grandmother ‘Mama’ if there was a word for dawn in her native language and that’s where my name Usha came from. Aarushi is derived from my name, meaning ‘Awakening of the Sun’. As the sun rises each day, it is a chance for a new beginning, a chance for our soul to awaken.

This connects to my Kundalini teachings, as the combination of movement, breathwork, and mediation helps us awaken our energy whilst being able to lead our life with more ease and grace. It gives us a chance to step away from our mind and lead our life from our heart centre, which leads us to a life with more love, kindness, and compassion, not only for ourselves but for those around us.

While I believe this is a wholly spiritual practice, I do not believe you have to take spirituality too seriously.

I do believe in laughter as a means of letting go, and my practice reflects that.

When you join me in class you can expect community, a chance for us to connect using the powerful technology of kundalini yoga, as well as free movement, combined with funky, eclectic, and uplifting music.

This practice offers a chance for you to continue your journey, to connect to your true essence, and live in your soul’s true purpose. In class and off the mat, I offer you the opportunity to be in your body, and quiet your mind. Are you ready to live your awakened life? Email me for more information on upcoming classes and workshops.

Usha Rignall - Kundalini Mama

Sat Nam, I'm Usha

Full Moon Ceremony

Next Event: Sunday 30th July 2023

Full Moon Ceremony JaveaI have been working with the Moon and her energy for a few years now. The Moon is a feminine symbol and universally it represents the rhythm of time as it embodies our cycle. A reminder that we are part of nature itself. The moon energy is our inner self, our intuition, our wisdom. Our inner voice, inner emotions and guidance. When we work with her energy we can enhance this inner wisdom, the magic. As women we are magical beings.

The circle represents life’s continuation – with no beginning and no end. I offer a combination of Kundalini yoga, meditation and gong in my ceremonies enabling you to feel more connected to your true essence and soul path.

I offer a light delicious Indian vegetarian/vegan meal at the end of each ceremony. This enables us to talk further and be part of community. Community is magic.

My next Full Moon Ceremony is on Sunday 30th July. The exchange is 33€. For more information or to book please see below

Love notes

Community Conscious, Cosmic Connection

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